Worship Services

First Service: 7:45 pm, Friday evening, Sanctuary
This is a contemporary worship service led by Sam Leonor, our campus pastor, and the First Service worship team. Between 300 and 500 young adults and others come from all over the Inland Empire for this church service.

Early Church: 8:30 am, Saturday morning, Sanctuary
A smaller gathering attend this litergical service for those who enjoy reading the Scriptures from the lectionary. A pastor leads a 10 minute homily. Enjoy the beautiful pipe organ which leads the music.

Divine Worship: 10:50 am, Saturday morning, Sanctuary
The main worship service is a blended service with a range of music for everyone, including choirs, praise, handbells, and the pipe organ, and a sermon by the senior pastor, Dan Smith, or one of the associate pastors. This service is also broadcast on KSGN Radio, at FM 89.7.

Sabbath Schools

Sanctuary Sabbath School: 9:30 am, Sanctuary
Destinations: 9:30 am, Education Center-Pathfinder Room
Serendipity: 9:35 am, Seminar Room 30
Faculty and Friends: 9:40 am, LSU Alumni Center
Solomon's Porch: 9:45 am, Education Center-Christian Counseling Center

Cradle Roll/Beginners (birth-age 2): 10:00 am, Church Lower Level
Tiny Tots (age 2-3): 10:00 am, Church Lower Level
Kindergarten (age 4-grade K): 9:30 am, Church Lower Level
Primary I (grades 1-2): 9:30 am, Education Center Lower Level
Primary II (grades 3-4): 9:30 am, Education Center Lower Level
Juniors (grades 5-6): 9:30 am, Church Lower Level

Earliteens (grades 7-8): 9:30 am, Earliteen Room, Education Center Upper Level
Youth (grades 9-12): 9:45 am, Youth Chapel, Education Center Upper Level

Young Adults
: 10:00 am, Sierra Vista Chapel